Pictus Catfish
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Pictus Catfish are a very active catfish. They never slow down charging around the tank in full view most of the time. Scientific Name : Pimelodus pictus Common Names : Pictus Catfish, Pictus Cat Care Level : Moderate (needs a huge tank or pond) Size : Up to 4 inches (11 cm) currently 6-8cm Water Parameters : pH 6 - 8 | Temperature : 71°F - 77°F (22°C - 25°C) | Water Hardness : 5° to 18° dH Lifespan : several years Origin / Habitat : South America, Amazon and Orinoco River basins Temperament / Behavior : They are very active but not all that aggressive and can be kept with similar sized tank mates. May eat smaller tetras. Aquarium Size : (210 liters) or larger given that they are active swimmers. Pictus Catfish Tank Mates : Similar sized fish species with similar water requirements should be fine. ideal addition to angel or discus tank Diet / Foods : A good tropical flake food or catfish pellet food, sinking wafers. Add in some live or thawed brine shrimp or blood worms from time to time. Tank Region : Bottom to middle Gender : Females that are the same age as males are larger.